HLC Ceramic Medium Wave Infrared Red

The HLC heater range, provides ceramic medium wave high energy infrared heat for internal installation.

With models from 1kW to 4.5kW in a range of formats, they offer the instant answer to many zone or localised heating problems.

These units can be wall mounted or ceiling suspended and are available in single or three phase versions.

HLC Ceramic Infrared Heater

The case is manufactured from aluminium and is painted in an ivory colour powder coated finish.

Guards and wall brackets are supplied as standard with all models.

The Ceramic elements emit a high proportion of medium wave infrared heat, this output is far less intense than the short wave version, and it can therefore be used where low level or space restricted instant heat is required. Ceramic elements produce no visible light, so can also be installed in situations where the red glow from short wave systems would make them unacceptable, such as photographic studios, or where colour comparisons are used.

To help make the right choice, remember Short wave produces high output instant infrared heat (burning at around 2000°C) making them ideal for general zone/ space heating in commercial and industrial areas of all types and sizes. Medium wave (burning at around 700°C) takes a few minutes to reach peak heat and are more suited to smaller areas, for example, shops, veterinary surgeries, studios, security offices, sheds etc

The Benefits Of Ceramic Heating Systems

  • The perfect solution for infra red heating without any associated light.
  • Ideal for small spaces or low level ceilings
  • Wattages as low as 150w available
  • Technical support
  • Design & planning advice
  • Full range of infra red heaters for both fixed and mobile systems.

Heat Requirements

A simple calculation can be made regarding the total amount of heat required in any given area, by using the guidelines in the watts/m² below. Choose the nearest figure to the application of work undertaken and premises type, then multiply this by the total area in m².

This will give you an idea as to the total amount of wattage required for heating the area. The size and type of heaters can then be compared with the table below to find the most suitable models. A 10-15% overlap is recommended to ensure even coverage of the area. Due consideration should be given to the power supply required, mounting locations and safety requirements. 

Wall mounted

H (m) X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Area Covered (m2) Wattage
HLC10 2.5 3 2.2 5 8.8 1000
HLC15 3 3.2 3 5.8 13.5 1500
HLC20 2.5 3.2 2.3 5.3 9.8 1000
HLC30 3 3.4 3.2 6 13.5 1500
HLC30L 3 3.5 3.3 6.2 16 1000
HLC45 3.5 3.6 3.6 7 19.1 1500

Overhead mounted

H (m) H (m) X (m) Y (m) Area Covered (m2) Wattage
HLC10 3 3 3.5 10.5 1000
HLC15 3.5 3.3 4 11.5 1500
HLC20 3.5 3.3 4 11.5 1000
HLC30 4 4.5 4.2 18 1500
HLC30L 3.5 3.3 4 12.2 1000
HLC45 4.2 4.5 4.2 18.9 1500

Each emitter can be either 220-240v 1000w, 1500w

HLC Coverage Area Image

Recommended mounting heights

1000w Ceramic Emitters

HLC10 - Min 2.2m, Max 3.0m

HLC20 - Min 2.2m, Max 3.5m

HLC30L - Min 3.0m, Max 4.5m

1500w Ceramic Emitters

HLC15 - Min 2.2m, Max 3.2m

HLC30  - Min 2.2m, Max 4.0m

HLC45 - Min 3.0M, Max 5.0m

Size Guide

HLC10 + HLC15 HLC20 & HLC30 HLC30L & HLC45
Length 405 mm 405 mm 405 mm
Height 190 mm 345 mm 495 mm
Depth 72 mm 72 mm 72 mm
Weight 1.75KG 2.75KG 3.5KG
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