Infrared & UV Lamps For Reptile

Made For Reptiles is a range of herpetological light and heat products for use in vivariums, developed by Victory to provide the correct combination of heat and light to suit a wide range of captive reptile species, recreating as far as possible the animals’ natural environment.

The Made For Reptiles range includes UVB lamps for natural daylight and ceramic heat lamps for warmth. Choose the products you need according to the species of your reptile.

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Natural Light & Warmth

Captive reptiles require sufficiently large species specific micro habitats that must replicate their natural habitat in order to maintain good health.

Sunlight, heat, UVB gradients, shelter and basking areas are all required to help achieve this. Victory's Made for Reptiles range has been created to help meet these needs.

The range incorporates both UV & infrared products to provide natural light & warmth.

Healthy Reptiles Need

  • Healthy diet and environment
  • Stimulation of natural circadian rhythms
  • Vitamin D3
  • Stimulation of natural mating instincts
  • Good appetite

  • Made For Reptiles Ceramic Lamps

    Ceramic infrared lamps emit long wave infrared light to provide radiant, invisible heat to create natural sun like heat in reptile vivariums.

    It penetrates the scales and skin tissue and widens blood vessels, increasing blood circulation and so promoting health & healing.

    Click Here for more information

  • Made For Reptiles UV Lamps

    UV Lamps provide essential UVA & UVB light to reptiles.

    UVA  light helps to regulate reptiles’ behaviours such as feeding, circadian rhythm, mating instincts & similar activities.

    UVB synthesis vitamin D3 to absord calcium and maintain a healthy bone structure.

    Click Here to find out more information

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